Category: Skin Cancer

Debunking Common Myths About Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Despite its prevalence, many myths about skin cancer persist, leading to misconceptions about risk factors and prevention.

Understanding the truth about skin cancer is crucial for early detection and prevention. Below, we’ll debunk common myths about skin cancer to help you protect yourself and your loved ones.

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Detecting Early: The ABCDEs of Skin Cancer Detection

People of a certain age might remember when sunbathers, including them, sat at the beach without sunscreen. Instead they might have used baby oil on their skin to increase their gorgeous tan. Little did they know that using baby oil increased their risk of skin cancer since it attracts ultraviolet UV rays and allows it to penetrate more deeply. In addition, it causes a quicker burn. Unfortunately, although we now know how dangerous it is to be out in the sun, people still do it. No matter whether you use sunscreen at the beach, use it everyday, or not at all, we need information about detecting skin cancer early, including the ABCDEs of skin cancer detection.

Why Is Early Detection Important?

If you haven’t been completely faithful to wearing sunscreen over the years, now is the time to see a board-certified professional like the ones with Uderm. You should be checking your body on a regular basis, but seeing a dermatologist is essential.

Finding skin cancer early is the best way to prevent it from spreading to other parts of your body. Your dermatologist can spot skin cancer and treat it with little or no scarring and with high odds of eliminating it.

Some facts to know about melanoma:

  • It is the most dangerous of the three most common forms of skin cancer.
  • It is curable when caught early and treated.
  • Melanoma can appear on any area of the body—even in areas not typically exposed to sunlight.
  • Tanning beds increase the risk for melanoma.
  • One out of five Americans will develop skin cancer by age 70.

The ABCDEs of Detecting Skin Cancer

In order to detect skin cancer early, the first thing you should do is look for any new spots on your skin or those that look different from others. Watch out for spots that are changing, itching, bleeding, or changing color.

These tips will help you recognize problem spots or lesions.

A Stands for Asymmetry

When looking at a spot, note any that are not equal or the same on both sides. Benign, or non-cancerous, moles are usually symmetrical.

B Stands for Border

Does the spot have unequal borders or is hard to define? Does it have scalloped edges?

C Stands for Color

Does the spot have mixed colors? Look for shades of tan, brown, or black. Even note areas of red, white, or blue.

D Stands for Diameter

Note a spot that is larger than a pencil eraser or greater than 6 millimeters.

E Stands for Evolving

Has the spot changed? Gotten bigger, changed color, or the shape is different?

Keep You and Your Family Safe

Covering up is still the best way to prevent skin cancer when out in the sun. Wear a hat and protective clothing. Keep your children safe by using sunscreen with at least 30 SPF, hats, sunglasses etc. Begin when they are young, so they will understand its importance.

There are many natural looking self-tanners on the market now if you want to have tan looking skin. Understand this will not protect you from the damaging rays of the sun. You must still use sunscreen with 30 SPF at least.

Skin cancer can happen to anyone at any age. Check your skin (and your children’s skin) for unusual spots, and make it a priority to see Uderm at least once a year to detect skin cancer early. Utilize our secure online scheduling tool today to schedule an appointment in Ooltewah or Hixson.

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Skin Cancer: Mohs Surgery vs Traditional Excision

Appropriately named after the doctor who invented this technique, Dr. Frederick Mohs, Mohs cancer surgery is now considered the gold standard for skin cancer treatment. It is a precise and effective treatment for most skin cancers with melanoma being an exception. Let’s analyze skin cancer Mohs surgery vs traditional excision.

How Mohs Surgery Is Different

Compared to traditional excision surgery for skin cancer, Mohs surgery confirms that all cancer cells are removed at the time of surgery. This increases the likelihood of a cure and reduces the need for additional treatments or another surgery.

Mohs surgery has a 99% cure rate for first time cancers, and a 94% cure rate for any recurrent cases.

This surgery is performed in stages and in only one visit. The surgeon removes a layer of tissue and immediately examines 100% of the margins under a microscope. If more cancer cells exist, your Mohs surgeon repeats the process until there are no more cancer cells.

In a traditional excision, the skin cancer is excised with a predetermined margin, that is larger than a Mohs margin, and the area is immediately repaired. The tissue is then sent to an outside lab and processed over several days to see if the margins are clear. If they are not clear, then the patient has to return to have the stitches removed, more tissue taken, and then it is re-repaired. This can result in more scarring and less convenience than Mohs surgery.

Advantages of Mohs Surgery

If you have the option of Mohs surgery vs traditional excision, you may want to consider the following advantages of Mohs:

  • There are lower recurrence rates when the Mohs technique is used.
  • Mohs offers precise microscopic control of the entire tumor margins.
  • Mohs maximizes healthy tissue conservation.
  • It has the highest cure rate for non-melanoma skin cancers.
  • It is more cost effective due to the higher cure rates and low recurrence rates.
  • There is reduced scarring with a smaller incision, and it has a better cosmetic result.

Contact Uderm at (423) 206-2777 if you want to discuss your options for skin cancer treatment in Ooltewah or Hixson and whether Mohs surgery is right for you. You can alternatively schedule an appointment through our convenient online tool.

Mohs Surgery For Skin Cancer Treatment

Mohs surgery (also known as Mohs micrographic surgery) is a surgical technique used to treat skin cancer. It involves removing thin layers of affected skin one at a time and examining them under a microscope until the entire tumor is removed.Dr. Jonathan Miller Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery dates back to the 1930s when Dr. Frederic E. Mohs developed and first used the technique at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Mohs was a dermatologist and chemist who was looking for a way to improve the treatment of skin cancer. He studied the properties of different chemicals and found that certain substances could be used to remove thin layers of skin. This technique was ideal for treating skin cancer because it allowed the surgeon to precisely remove only the affected tissue, while leaving healthy tissue intact.

Since its development, Mohs surgery has become an increasingly popular treatment for skin cancer. It is often used to treat tumors that are large, recurrent, or located in difficult-to-reach areas. It is also considered to be a highly effective treatment with a very high cure rate (99%).

Mohs surgery is now widely used by specialists in dermatology around the world, and it is an important tool in the fight against skin cancer.

What To Expect With Mohs Surgery

Known as the gold standard in treating skin cancers, micrographic Mohs surgery is a highly effective treatment for the removal of the most common types of skin cancers. It is actually named for the medical student who perfected it back in the 1930s, but has since been modified to today’s standards. If your dermatologist has recommended this procedure to treat your skin cancer, here is what to expect with Mohs surgery.

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Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer And Melanoma

We have come a long way from the days when using baby oil to acquire a beautiful tan was all the rage. Even though most people are aware just how dangerous the sun is, there are still sun worshippers who think they are invulnerable, and only a couple of hours in the sun won’t hurt.

We beg to differ.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States with more cases than any other cancer combined. No matter your age, your nationality, or especially if you are a parent, be aware of the dangers of skin cancer and melanoma.

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