Author: Uderm

What To Expect With Mohs Surgery

Known as the gold standard in treating skin cancers, micrographic Mohs surgery is a highly effective treatment for the removal of the most common types of skin cancers. It is actually named for the medical student who perfected it back in the 1930s, but has since been modified to today’s standards. If your dermatologist has recommended this procedure to treat your skin cancer, here is what to expect with Mohs surgery.

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Understanding The Different Types Of Acne

Whether you have “not so fond” memories of acne breakouts as a teen, you continue to have blemish problems even as an adult, or you have a teen suffering with it now, acne is embarrassing and can be painful. Understanding the different types of acne will help you know how to treat it as an adult or with your own teen, and when to see Uderm.

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Protect Yourself From Skin Cancer And Melanoma

We have come a long way from the days when using baby oil to acquire a beautiful tan was all the rage. Even though most people are aware just how dangerous the sun is, there are still sun worshippers who think they are invulnerable, and only a couple of hours in the sun won’t hurt.

We beg to differ.

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States with more cases than any other cancer combined. No matter your age, your nationality, or especially if you are a parent, be aware of the dangers of skin cancer and melanoma.

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